الثلاثاء، 28 أكتوبر 2014

In an international, shifting and uncertain economic environment, characterized by unbridled global competition, increased domestic competition, technological revolution, a limitation of markets, volatility of customer, etc ..., Algerian companies, like the rest of the world, must be able to cope successfully with many pitfalls along their route. Companies that fail to adapt to the changing economic environment and to meet its changes become firms in difficulty and several recovery strategies are possible to restore the situation in these companies.
The fact that most of the national companies were negatively influence of globalization and the introduction of the market economy as is the case in other countries in transition and, therefore, they have become firms in difficulty requiring recovery strategies.
The objective of our work mini project consists in the analysis of recovery strategies of firms in difficulty trying to identify the one hand, the origins of various difficulties and possible remedies with reference to the application theoretical concepts and secondly, to measure the impact of these strategies within a national company.
Keywords: business, recovery, fix, strategies

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